We’re excited to welcome Charlie back as the head of the Wintergreen Golf & Country Club Food & Beverage team for a second season. Find out what made Charlie choose a career in restaurants and what brought him to Wintergreen in our first Tell Us About Your Selfie feature below;
How long have you been cooking and what first attracted you to being a chef?
I entered the apprenticeship program, when I was 15. This was, 46 years ago. (Smile!) The attraction to become a chef was the fact that in the area where I grew up, there really were no good restaurants. I envisioned changing that, and I did.
What brought you to WG?
I am a member of the golf course. After I sold my restaurant, The Bavarian Inn, I thought I could retire. When I noticed the clubhouse (in need of a facelift), I changed my mind.
What is something people don’t know about you?
I traveled as a young chef through Europe and learned lots about many different types of cuisine. Later on, I went to University and achieved a Degree in Business , then continuing onto another University to become a nutritionist. All this education was helpful to run a successful restaurant and business .
What do you hope to achieve for the menu at Wintergreen?
What I hope to achieve for the menu at the Clubhouse, is that each item on the menu can be executed by anybody working in the kitchen flawless. (One can dream.)
What have you brought to the menu at Wintergreen?
We only use fresh products, everything is in house prepared! I designed the menu around my taste and customers’ requests.
We can’t wait to see you out here, stop by the Clubhouse today (open to golfers and public). Tee Times can booked online or by calling 403-949-3333.